The Paper Mill Association, together with the Department of Architecture of „Spiru Haret” University, has the pleasure to invite you at the closing event of the cultural project „Verna-cultura. Traditional crafts in the context of contemporary architecture” which will take place on 17.11.2015, starting with 17.00, at the Centre for Architectural Culture of the Architects’ Union in Romania, situated in Jean Louis Calderon Street, nr. 48, sector 2, Bucharest. The event will propose the opening of the itinerant exhibition „Verna-cultura Summer School. Traditional crafts in the context of contemporary architecture” and will launch the Good Practices Guide, both parts presenting activities carried on within the project.

Re-cognizing traditional crafts in construction field represents re-cognizing the essence of Romanian architecture. With this purpose in mind, the Paper Mill Association, in partnership with the Department of Architecture of “Spiru Haret” University and the European Foundation for Eco-sustainable Development organized over 13th–23rd of July 2015 the Summer School „Verna-cultura. Traditional crafts in the context of contemporary architecture”, in Comana village,  Giurgiu county. It addressed a number of 15 young architects and was financed by the „Architecture Stamp” Fund, through the Cultural Projects Session 2015 of the Architects’ Union in România.

By taking part in the Summer School, young architects had the opportunity to  participate in theoretical and practical sessions meant to help them discover techniques of vernacular-type traditional construction works. The theoretical sessions in which they participated were completed with visits of certain special places in Comana village, showing examples of vernacular building practices. Moreover, the young architects got involved in the building site of Comana Crafts Village Satul meșteșugurilor, a project of the Paper Mill Association, unique in Romania both by traditional  construction techniques and by its social, educational and cultural objectives – building a small village dedicated to traditional crafts, meant to be a source of income for the community.

For further details on this project, please check the facebook page Școala de vară Verna-cultura, the site of the Paper Mill Association and the site of „Spiru Haret” University

Verna-cultura Summer School will take place over 13th – 22nd of July 2015 in Comana, Giurgiu county, within Comana Crafts Village site. Traditional crafts in contemporary context!

By taking part in the Summer School, young architects will acquire new skills in the domain of restoring the built heritage. They will therefore have the practical possibility of initiation and knowledge acquisition in terms of crafts, materials and  techniques of making vernacular-type traditional construction works, specific both to the restoration of heritage buildings and to building new spaces in the spirit of bioarchitecture. The practical activity will be coordinated by architects, folk craftsmen and specialists in vernacular building practices.

Within this project, young architects will have the opportunity of getting involved into activities carried on the building site of Comana Crafts Village project, a project unique in Romania due to the traditional construction techniques and also to its social, educational and cultural objectives – the building of a small village dedicated to traditional crafts, meant to be a constant source of income for the villagers involved in the project.

“Verna-cultura Summer School. Traditional crafts in contemporary context” is co-financed by the Union of Romanian Architects, within a project carried on by the Paper Mill Association in partnership with the Faculty of Architecture of the University Spiru Haret and the European Foundation for Eco-sustainable Development.

For further details on this project, please use the site, the facebook page Școala de vară Verna-cultura, the e-mail or the telephone number 0743.266.262 – Ion Georgescu – Project Manager.